Nivedita Kamath Week#10: The Power Within

 The Power Within

I have always felt that one should find the power to live life to its fullest. "Why did 'power' come into mind?" you probably did not ask. Well, I have to assume that I have control over my body, mind, and, therefore, my life. Unfortunately, nothing is ever that straightforward and simply staying motivated, focused, organized, positive, etc. is more difficult than it seems. I need to find and use the power within myself to choose how I develop my life and, more importantly, what makes me happy.

Choosing a career is the next step in my life, and I cannot help but ponder over what factors should influence my decision. I can see myself doing anything and cannot pinpoint what makes it fulfilling. A career will allow me to make a difference to the world, so I have to choose how I want to make that differencewith my voice, wealth, skill, etc.and whether I have what it takes to do so. In general, the moment I believe I can stay organized, new experiences, knowledge, or circumstances interfere and alter my perspective on life. With a constantly evolving mentality in life, it is exponentially more difficult to decide what path I should take towards my future. 

                Image link: Spiritual Maturity | 7 Steps to Grow Spiritually - Tm Supportwave

Ever since I was in elementary school, whenever I felt overwhelmed, I desired to freeze time in order to counter the speed at which it passed me by and controlled the pace of my life. The increasing pace at which I must tackle academics and hone the art of learning in high school has taught me that striving to be organized is not effective. What sets one apart is their ability to think quickly and clearly, allowing them to express and apply knowledge gained to further develop their life the way they want to. When I overthink, I take longer to organize my thoughts and make immediate decisions. Having the power to make my own choices is one thing, but being able to improve the way I think in coming to those choices requires time to reflect on mental power that I may not have. I shall probably spend my life searching within myself for such power. Hopefully, I do not lose track of time.


  1. Your desire to understand and better control your life is admiring. I agree that thinking “quickly and clearly” over striving for good organization is more important. I definitely have more of the organization and less of the creative clear thinking, and I think my organization skills definitely make up for my lack of brain power. I think my goal and search in life is to find a better way to channel my creativity.

  2. Hey Nivedita, this was a really interesting blog post to read and I think you had a really unique take on power. I agree that regardless of any factors, the most helpful quality for a person is to have that confidence and ability to adapt to different situstions and persevere through difficult obstacles. There are many great people who have amassed a large amount of power, but that power ultimately means nothing if you can not find it within yourself to be happy or if one balks is very time a challenge is presented. Superficial power is something that never lasts long without the support from that power within.

  3. We may never be able to manipulate time like Marvel’ Doctor Strange, but we can make decisions to prolong it. Simple acts like waking up early and fixing sleep patterns can prolong your time to study/work and better your well-being. Taking efficient breaks to walk outside or work out, can stables the mind thereby heightening productivity. Thus, we can definitely be better with time management, which might help people find time to do more things they are passionate about.

  4. Hey Niveditha! I really loved your take on power! It’s really interesting to think about the fact that people are so greedy for power that they forget about what’s most important, happiness. If you can’t seem to find that happiness in power, then what’s the point? Several people see a pedestal that they want to be on someday and work towards it with greed in their hearts. Once they do obtain that on the other hand, they quickly move on to the next thing their greed needs. They constantly try to satisfy themselves with power or something not many have that they fail to realize that they don’t have the most important thing in their lives, happiness.

  5. Hi Nivedita! I find this blog post very relatable, especially your point of wanting to freeze time. Taking control over your life truly is much more difficult than it seems. I find that time is the most valuable thing, but also something we cannot control. Instead, taking control over our actions and working around the time we have is the only thing we can do. This really is mostly a mental battle.

  6. Hi Nivedita! I feel your desire for full control over your life is inspiring and relatable. Recently especially, I have been feeling quite overwhelmed due to the amount of work I have from school and extracurriculars. Like you said, I realized that although we do have the power to choose what we want to do, the end result is really not ours to decide. There are so many other factors that we do not have power over, which can often discourage us or make us feel helpless.

  7. Hey Nivedita! I've been feeling the same way and I feel everyone can relate to your post in some way, shape, or form. Especially recently, I've been feeling pressured by schoolwork and stressing over projects and future assignments that I may or may not have the time to devote to. I'm trying to find a way to reduce my stress and better manage my time, but like you, I'm uncertain on whether I can find my "power within" in time.

  8. Hi Nivedita, your blog is very powerful. I like how you are talking about your very own power. I feel like as high schoolers, although it definitely feels stressful, we still have time to explore. When we go to college, we might try new things and be open to learning new things and through that process, things will come together. I also wish I could just stop time sometimes, but I find it at least a little bit comforting to know that I still have a lot of my life ahead of me. I also think how you’ve put into words this complicated reflection you are having is really impressive.

  9. Your blog reminds me of someone called Wim Hof. He— through strategic breathing— successfully has been able to master his body and self and reach heights that few could dream of. He truly embodies someone that took the power within themselves and used it to the fullest. Only a few people are able to really use what they are given to the fullest. Everyone is different, but not everyone strives to find that "power."


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