Riddhika Parmar, Week 12: Hard Power vs. Soft Power

 Riddhika Parmar

Week 12

Hard Power vs. Soft Power

According to foreign policy expert Joseph Nye Jr., soft power deals with using diplomacy or negotiations to persuade another country to do what is essential. And smart power strategies can be most effective because hard and soft power are used together, as we see in the current invasion of Ukraine.

Examples of hard power include military bombing, imposing tough economic sanctions, closing air space to Russian planes, or using threats. An example of soft power is what the UN did when the Russian ambassador spoke recently—100 members walked out when he spoke in order to demonstrate how isolated Russia has become.

Now, after several days of watching the news, I wanted to write about Ukraine’s President Zelensky, who has become an extraordinary president and leader, one who is projecting so much bravery and power through his words, courageous actions and steadfast character. President Zelensky is commanding the attention of the world while Russia’s president is swiftly squandering the small amount of power he may have had before he chose to invade Ukraine, a sovereign, democratic nation.

There is a chance that President Zelensky may lose his life, allowing Russia to install a puppet regime in Ukraine. However, Ukraine has held its own and not fallen. In fact, the military and people of Ukraine are determined to fight and are inflicting losses on Russia. President Zelensky will remain strong and defend his home until the very end. In fact, it seems like President Putin may now have lost much more as all of the free nations, even ones who historically remain neutral, find ways to condemn Putin’s actions and inflict economic and diplomatic losses on Russia.

President Volodymyr Zelensky was not always a politician; rather, he was a comedian on TV playing a role where he accidentally becomes president. He, then, ran for government in real life, and just recently became Ukraine’s president in 2019. When Russia started bombing Ukraine, the U.S. offered to evacuate Zelensky out in order to save his life but Zelensky said, "The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride." He posted online videos and selfies, bolstering the Ukrainian people to be just as defiant and take up arms to defend their nation and independence. Zelensky is a powerful and eloquent communicator who knows how to use social media. 

Although this is not a movie, sometimes the loudest aggressor with all of the bigger, expensive weapons is only boasting. The real power is on the inside of the one who has the courage to stand up to a ruthless aggressor, eye to eye, and do what is right. Staying in an underground bunker, in olive combat clothing, Zelensky has mobilized his own citizens, and the world is behind him and Ukraine. History will call President Zelensky a true hero.

photo credit: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10553451/They-storm-tonight-Zelensky-says-Putins-forces-launch-scale-assault-Kyiv.html   



  1. I truly admire Zelensky's commitment and dedication towards Ukraine and the people of Ukraine. The fact that he does not give himself special treatment or opportunities because he is president is amazing. He is definitely someone who is not corrupted by the power he has. He is also an amazing speaker and the remarks he makes are heartening, especially in a time when the future and safety of much of the world is put under a shield of immense danger. If I were to be president, I would definitely want to be a figure like Zelensky.

  2. Hey Riddhika, I've also been keeping up with the news in Ukraine and I saw an article that similarly boasted about President Zelensky's steadfastness. Even in the face of incessant bombing from Russia and unlikely prospects of sufficient aid from Western allies, Zelensky remained strong and proud of his country, claiming that "We are Ukraine" and "We will fight as long as it takes." I didn't know that the US offered Zelensky protection but I agree with you on how it is especially admirable that he chose to stay with his country in their time of need instead of acting on selfish pursuits like Putin. I also thought it was really interesting that he was previously a comedian and accidentally became a president. I guess it shows that power is often best wielded by those who we would never expect to handle it so well.

  3. Hi Riddhika, thank you for informing me about President Zelensky as I knew general information about the conflict but not much about Ukraine’s President Zelensky. Your article was wonderfully written as it made me picture Russia as a big bully and Ukraine as the small kid standing up for himself. I feel soft power is especially potent when it comes to modern war due to the large alliances and deadly weapons countries have. However, I am not sure if the hundred members who walked out on the Russian ambassador made Putin angrier or made him loose hope in winning his battle. Either way, I feel soft power is the smarter move compared to deploying troops right now.

  4. Hi Riddhika! President Zelensky of Ukraine is a true hero. Although I held huge respect for him as soon as I had heard about him, he really proved his heroic loyalty and dedication to his country when he denied the US' offer to evacuate him. Although his head is Russia's number one target, and his family and close associates are in huge danger because of his position and stance, he has remained stern and not moved on his democratic view of the world. He did not and is not willing to make concessions to Russia. His nationalism is totally different from the excessive, extremist nationalistic attitudes that I typically stereotype the term "nationalism" with. He is a figure that I can respect immensely, who has clearly utilized both hard power and soft power to his advantage. As you said, he will remain a hero in both Ukrainian and World history.

  5. Hi Riddhika! I have been seeing a lot of media talk about President Zelensky recently. I absolutely admire his loyalty and commitment to his country. His actions have truly been courageous and unlike many other leaders who only exercise their power through verbal promises, Zelensky has decided to physically fight for his country on the front lines.

  6. Hi Riddhika! The Russia and Ukraine feud is a very worldwide known issue that has recently gotten a lot worse than we hoped it ever would. That being said, it's very popular on social media. When I first saw a post regarding President Zelensky, I was amazed and proud of what he was doing. He was stepping up and doing all he could to save his people, even if it meant his death at the end to it. Not many leaders would take that stance, but instead they would most probably step down from their position and hide. He's doing something not many do, he's using his power to fight for what he believes is right, and to save the lives of millions and that's something to applaud him for.

  7. Hi Riddhika, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is one of the first examples of hard power we've seen in our lifetimes and it is inspiring to see the people of Ukraine and their passionate leader fight for their country. The stories leaving the country will inspire millions of people to come. Tens of thousands of citizens from neighboring countries have registered to fight for Ukraine showing the immense power of perseverance and passion in something as horrid as war. This war is a true demonstration of opposites. Russia, an economic powerhouse versus Ukraine, a small country. Putin, a ruthless and cold leader versus Zelenskyy, a passionate and motivated leader.

  8. Hi Riddhika,
    I did not know anything about Ukraine's President or how he was responding to Russia's acts of aggression. I hope the people of Ukraine take his words to heart and find the strength to fight for their country. Giving in to Russian attacks will only encourage Putin to continue taking control of more regions. I think that during a war there is no right or wrong decision, and so keeping up spirits is the best way to keep Ukraine's economy alive. I admire President Zelensky's effort and hope that he continues to encourage the Ukrainian people to persevere.

  9. Hi Riddhika! Zelensky's bravery and commitment to his people really is remarkable. Not only was he there spiritually with his people, but also physically by choosing to remain in Ukraine rather than evacuating. I was not aware that he was a former comedian, but this serves him well in his support over social media.


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